On board the Globetrotter, a steampunk flight school for aspiring airship crews, Cog and her closest friends gear up for their third year of classes. But when a mysterious transfer student threatens to rock the boat and expose Cog’s hazy past, a global war looms over President Jimmy Carter’s historic press conference, and a jealous love triangle endangers her friendships, their school year promises to be anything but normal.
About the Author
Meadow has always had a love for writing that stems from writing a short story about turtles on her family computer in second grade. From there, she never stopped writing, and wrote her first ten-thousand-word book in the third grade, igniting her passion for storytelling.
Now, the only thing stopping Meadow from writing more is her schedule. Ideas like Orion and the Clockwork and the Steam War series keep her up at night, plotting her creative path forward.
Can't put down!
It was such a very interesting book to read. Very hard to put down. Kept the interest through the entire book. Can't wait to see what comes from this author next.